Making relationships work
A healthy, loving relationship is known to enhance many aspects of your life, increasing happiness, emotional and physical health. However the challenge is actually finding someone who you want to share our lives with! Most singles complain about not even being able to down their drink because they are often repulsed by their date. Sigal Consulting is here for you, even if you feel burned out by dating or have a history of relationships that don’t last, we will give you the tools to find long, strong and lasting love.
As a Relationship & Family Therapist, I help people twofold: Firstly, I help singles cope with the daunting world of dating and with identifying realistic and time bound dating goals. This helps people understand why they are not in a supportive relationship and they learn invaluable tools on how to get the relationship they want. Secondly, I help couples who feel ‘stuck in a rut’ gain a healthier outlook and build strong communication one with the other, thus saving the relationship.
“Sigal is one of the most amazing people… Sigal has been through it, won and is there to help others – and she does it whole-heartedly.”
Giuseppe Calo
Changing the way music is created
Single and Confused?
Don’t worry – you’re not alone: dating, love and relationships ARE confusing. There is no manual to refer to or a bulletproof list of “dos” and “don’ts” stuck to your refrigerator. Above all, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution.
Some people breeze from one relationship to another effortlessly, and others stay single for years.
Most of the dating advice people will give you will push you to be more active: to socialise more, meet more people and put yourself out there. But what if you’ve done all that and you’re still single? What if the frustration has kicked in because you’re fed up of trying and failing time and time again, waiting for that day when you’ll finally meet someone and unsure whether it’s you or them that are fueling the failed attempts?
Sigal Consulting has the experience and knowledge that is needed to help you recognize the pattern or missing link that has been holding you back from finding that special someone. With our expertise and personal experience, we can help you to “crack the code” and find love faster.
“Sigal is a true professional and expert. Sigal helped me become focused and goal oriented…Throughout the process Sigal provided a service that exceeded my expectations and always offered exceptional support with a welcoming smile and a can-do attitude. I highly recommend working with Sigal – she simply ‘gets it’…”
Dovi Klausner
Infrastructure SME at Amdocs Ltd.
Finding the right romantic partner is a difficult journey
Perhaps you’re not in the best environment to meet the right person, or when you are, you don’t feel confident enough to the person into you, so you jeopardize the date. Whatever the case may be, it is important to believe that you can hold a healthy romantic relationship. It’s also important to understand that relationships are not perfect and will always require a ton of work, compromise, mutual understanding and a strong willingness to resolve conflict in a nurturing and positive way.
If you’ve gone on more dates than you care to remember and you’re still single, you may need to contact Sigal Consulting and start by re-assessing some of your misconceptions about dating and relationships as it could be these misconceptions that are preventing you from finding a true and solid relationship. If you want to know the ingredients needed to make a healthy, strong and loving relationship, make an appointment with Sigal Cunsolting today to improve your journey.
“I was privileged to meet Sigal in a significant point in my life… Her genuine listening capabilities and intuition certainly helps one understand better and take the next right step.”
Yaniva Sharara
SW Project Manager | Customer Success | QA Manager
How to strengthen your loving relationship
Relationships are unique and people ‘gel’ for many different reasons. But there are some key qualities that good, solid relationships have in common. Knowing the basic principles of healthy relationships helps keep them meaningful, fulfilling and exciting, both in good times and in times of crisis. As a trained Relationship and Family Therapist, Sigal Consulting is the perfect match for you and your partner, we’re here for you and are by your side when dealing with troubling issues in your relationship.
“Deciding to work with Sigal was one of the best choices I have ever made.”
Martha Funston
Content Engineering at
“My husband won’t come to therapy, he is too embarrassed…”
We hear this often from women who need relationship counseling but their husbands are too embarrassed to go. Often women end up changing things about themselves only to find that their partner has stayed in the same place and hasn’t made any changes in himself. To most women in this situation, they feel alone, stuck and resentful. Dragging your man to therapy can be difficult and a daunting experience, and now the solution is easy: Sigal Consulting is done from the comfort of your own home, your husband will never have to leave the couch and you both gain from the benefits of therapy.
“Sigal’s help has brought me a long way from where I began and as such I certainly recommend her.”
Jared R. Miller
International Project Director
At Sigal Consulting , we are unlikely to take sides or recommend that a couple end their relationship. Instead, we allow the therapy process to unfold naturally without a predetermined goal of “saving” the relationship. Sigal Consulting’s trained therapists help partners by supporting the couple’s goals while helping them communicate their needs, thoughts, and emotions more clearly while listening to each other more carefully.
“Sigal pushed me to challenge myself and helped me gain confidence not only in my professional life but in my life overall. Working with Sigal was an investment in myself, and I highly recommend her career counselling services.”
Jennifer Tullman-Botzer
Marketing Manager at Trusteer, an IBM company
The 5 Love Languages
According to therapist Gary Chapman, everyone speaks different “love languages” and that everyone does it in their own unique way.
Unhappy couples have clashes in their relationship because their need for experiencing love is different to their partner’s needs. Below are the modes of emotional expression, which one are you? Which one is your partner? Are they different?
- Words of Affirmation – To be verbally acknowledged
- Quality Time – To enjoy companionship
- Receiving Gifts – To be given tokens of love
- Acts of Service – To have their partners do tasks for them
- Physical Touch – To be in contact via the body
On the surface these 5 languages of love appear simple, however so few couples function in accordance to their partner’s language, therefore not giving them what they need. Nonetheless, when this new language of love is applied to the relationship, it has the power to change the climate between two people.
To learn more about the “The 5 Love Languages” contact Sigal Consulting today.